Key words hits to my blog

Posted by reviewer | 6:44 p.m. | | 3 comments »

These just get funnier and funnier. These are some the searches done on Google and Yahoo that connected people to my blog.

joe morelli blogs
diana hunter
sex all night long
real killers dont get talked about they get whispered about
ranger guy]
joe morelli spanked
c june 16 birthday2007
lora leigh fisting
review of 'the rest' colleen g
lora leigh
submission revealed by diana hunter
lora leighs review
ranger bangs stephanie
dark seduction 'joyce'
cocks emma holly
chapman highlander review
reading all night long

*Edited to add some more from today

lora leigh sara's seduction
author victoria malvey
lora leigh bound hearts free
menage a trios fantasies involving 2 men
bringing my ebookwise everywhere
hot hot sex all night, all night

I know that I haven't been posting too much on all the blogs I visit. I'm sorry. I'm in a bit of a slump. I'm reading as much as I usually do, I just don't feel like posting about it. My last few reviews have been forced out of me.

I had planned to do lots of blog hopping today and reply on as many of your blogs as I could, but 2 of my kids woke up sick. One has a cold, the other has some sort of flu. My fingers are crossed that the rest of my house stays healthy.


  1. Lori // 11:37 p.m.  

    Hope the kids are better soon!

  2. nath // 4:03 p.m.  

    Hey Chantal!

    hope your sons get better and hope your slump goes away soon! and you know, we all get into that mood, where we do read, but don't feel like reviewing! So don't worry, no biggie :D

  3. Isabel // 10:03 a.m.  

    Hope the kids feel better soon.